Find the best immigration consultants

Thousands of Indians immigrate to other countries every year. There are over a million Indians or people of Indian origin living in countries all over the world. Immigrating opens up a lot of possibilities and choices for your life and career and the country of choice can play a huge role in shaping your career and life. Find the immigration consultants who are willing to inform you about the various aspects of the countries you are thinking of settling in.


Canadian Feels

Canada is one of the top countries in terms of the numbers of Indian immigrants living in the country. The developed economy, infrastructure, healthcare and education system gives you the surety of a greater quality of life and much better life choices for you and your family. Your immigration consultants will inform you about all the little details regarding your immigration to Canada.


Utilising the Express Entry System

The Express Entry system allows critically skilled workers and professionals to immigrate to the country easily than normal immigrants. The system is created by the federal government to speed up the process of immigration in cases of immigrants who are highly skilled.

There are 3 programs under the system which use the CRS score to determine your eligibility. You are required to score 67 points immigration Canada to be eligible for the FSWP (Federal Skilled Worker Program).

Your CRS score is what determines your eligibility for the Express entry system. The system is designed to bring in workers whose skills are desperately needed by the native industries and businesses in Canada and hence is run in association with the provincial governments. The points are awarded based on your age, profession, skills and experience among a lot of other things which take into account your merit.

In case you are unable to reach the 67 point threshold you can try one of these ways to improve your CRS score. Improving your language proficiency, getting a degree or a diploma or even a job offer in a Canada can tip your score over that 67 points mark.