How the 67 point system is different from the CRS point system?

For a long time now Canada has earned a lot of popularity for being the most common choice of immigrants. Long before the express entry system started working, Canada was a favorite of immigrants because of the benefits that they provide. But since they launched the express entry system, things have changed overnight. The number of immigrants increased a lot as the process of immigration got very easy with time. The stages of express entry are very less compared to other methods. But it has 2 different point systems to choose the best workers among all the people who applied. You can take the help of Canada immigration consultants to increase the score in both of the point systems.


Many people make the mistake of mixing up these 2 processes and end up failing them miserably. The 67 point system is the very first point system that you need to go through for entering the poll. Canada introduced this system to filter the best-skilled workers in their country. This point system is divided into many different factors, by which you will need to get 67 points out of 100. If you fail to get 67 points, then you cannot enter the poll and you will have to wait for the next one. You can take the help of Canada immigration consultants to get a high score.


While the 67 point system is more like a gateway to enter the express entry system. The CRS point system is very different from this one. You will have to score a high number in the CRS points to get an invitation to apply for the PR. The factors are quite similar for both of the point systems. But in the CRS point system, you get more factors than the 67 point system, which allows you to have a great chance of increasing the total score in the CRS. As you are only going to get one chance, make sure to check your point in the CRS points calculator.