The basic features of the CRS points calculator

The CRS calculates immigration points, based on particular factors in the CRS Points calculator. CRS provides a general score with the detailed rating system that checks whether you're eligible to obtain a Canada PR. The greater the CRS, the greater the chance of having a permanent residence invitation (ITA).


On which basis is the CRS functioning?

The Detailed Ranking System calculates the ranking of eligible migration categories that invite internationally qualified migrants to remain and make a permanent contribution to the growing Canadian economy.

There are two stages of Canadian immigration during the request through the Express Entry Process. The federal scheme, containing at least 67 out of 100 points for the Canada Point Evaluation Grid and the other, is the economic programmes processed in the Express Entry process. The requirements for year training, work experience, language skills and adaptability criteria are assessed to determine whether or not the applicant is qualified for the next step of PR in Canada.

Step 2 is called the Detailed Ranking System (CRS), where qualifying applicants are identified by their CRS profile ranks. The parameters for the point are almost FSWP-like. The 1200-point CRS score is calculated. Candidates with the CRS ranking and photos are eligible to register for permanent residence at the Express Entry pools.

How will your CRS score be determined?

The Canadian Government has become eligible for permanent residency for applicants with a minimum CRS ranking, according to the latest CIC draw. If an applicant declines to receive a federal endorsement from a specific region, which would increase the likelihood of receiving Canada PR. The overall CRS ranking is reduced to 600 additional points in that case. Seek guidance from immigration consultants in Delhi for advice on how to optimise the CRS score if you fall short of the minimum cut-off score or need to test your eligibility.