Top 5 reasons to immigrate to Canada as a newcomer

Business owners, who account for 21.9 per cent of Canada's increasing community of immigrants, have a great opportunity to identify and leverage this stream of eligible immigrants as a business advantage. There are many incentives to hire a newcomer, but we have narrowed down to 5 core advantages. Ask immigration consultants in Delhi for advice in order to find out more about the same.


  • Newcomers arrive in Canada with a wide variety of training. Newcomers to Canada will take a fresh outlook on current industry activities owing to the variety of employment, preparation and on - the-jobs skills. They will send the staff a fresh vision and threaten the status quo.
  • Newcomers may help to extend an enterprise to other markets. A foreigner can speak other languages and have foreign business practices expertise and experience. If the organization decides to extend its country of origin and add local connections, it would be able to include local information and save time and resources.
  • Newcomers understand and strive actively to maintain this ability. A newcomer is excited to begin his or her life in Canada and appreciates a chance. Newcomers also have little background of Canadian jobs, so they will strive harder to demonstrate their skills and willingness to prove their fitness for the job.
  • Newcomers in the low labour rate represent a new generation of creativity. For 40 years, certain areas of Canada had the lowest unemployment rate. The number of workers who age is declining and less new hires join the job force. Nonetheless, there is a growing need for professional jobs that drives low unemployment levels. Skilled immigrants arrive in Canada continuously to introduce fresh talent in a labour shortage climate.
  • Newcomer recruiting will boost the reputation of an organization. The research that companies do to draw on the talented immigrants is awarded by annual awards including Best Minority employees in Canada, and various municipal awards.  In addition to the incentives, recruiting entrepreneurs will even boost foreign consumers ' corporate profile.

Want to immigrate to Canada as a newcomer? Find your eligibility using the CRS points calculator.